From a fellow birthday monster, I really needed to hear this. Peace and presence.

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This is so sweet:')

Also you're right about 27 feeling like a bigger year than 30!! 27 HITTTT me!!

But I love this reflection and can't wait to see what this year has in store for you <3

Feliz cumple guapa!!! <3

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Seems like you are truly having your dream life! And a secure loving partner that feels like home. Happy 27th Sarah :)

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Hi, new reader here! Absolutely loved the message of keeping it simple and genuinely enjoying those simple moments. I recently felt this with graduation (maybe I’m a graduation monster) but I had such high expectations for it, which I felt were unfulfilled. But looking back, I had a great time with friends and family, so it was all worth it! Thank you for your reflections!

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Happy birthday dear Sarah. You’ve accidentally stumbled on to the joys of getting older. Relax, enjoy, Be Here Now. Sending heaps of hugs and best wishes. 🤗🤗😘😘🥰🥰🎉🎉

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Dearest Sarah,

Being the youngest of five girls I only had one birthday party I truly remember and I was so sick afterwards. The best ones were getting my favorite meal on my birthday, a few presents and always an Angel food cake! I’m glad you are looking at birthdays and really life in a different framework now. Learning to relax. Don’t worry about missing something. Your moment with whom ever, is the something.

I love you

happy, peaceful, love filled birthday Sarah

G. Aunt Nancy

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Love this, love you! Happy Birthday princess! 👍❤️

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